مجال البحث
المكتبة التراثية المكتبة المحققة أسماء الكتب المؤلفون القرآن الكريم المجالس
البحث المتقدم البحث في لسان العرب إرشادات البحث

Rime di Giovanni Della Casa

تأليف : Giovanni Della Casa
الولادة : 1503 هجرية
الوفاة : 1556 هجرية

موضوع الكتاب : الأدب --> أصول الأدب

تحقيق : 'NA'

ترجمة : 'NA'

إقرأ الكتاب
نقاشات حول الكتاب
كتب من نفس الموضوع (712)
كتب أخرى لGiovanni Della Casa (1)

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قصة الكتاب :
The most authoritative twentieth-century expert on the Italian Renaissance, Carlo Dionisotti, ranked Giovanni Della Casa as the most prominent poet of the generation born at the beginning of the Cinquecento. Aside from gaining considerable popularity throughout Europe thanks to his book of manners, the Galateo, Della Casa already received high appreciation for his verse from his contemporaries and profoundly impacted the development of poetic language in the second half of the sixteenth century. Despite his great reputation, his perfectionism and extremely self-demanding attitude prevented him from putting any of his writings into print and he was even said to have ordered all his works to be burnt whilst on his deathbed. After partial and restricted circulation, Della Casa’s Rime, together with the Galateo and the Oration for the Emperor Charles V, were published in Venice in 1558, two years after his death, by his loyal secretary Erasmo Gemini. Encompassing fifty-nine sonnets, four canzoni and one sestina, the collection stands out due to the austere, classicist style and restraint of the lyrics when compared to the overflowing, and often mediocre, books of rhymes in vogue at the time.


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