مجال البحث
المكتبة التراثية المكتبة المحققة أسماء الكتب المؤلفون القرآن الكريم المجالس
البحث المتقدم البحث في لسان العرب إرشادات البحث

Il Novellino

تأليف : Masuccio Salernitano
الولادة : 1410 هجرية
الوفاة : 1475 هجرية

موضوع الكتاب : الأدب --> أصول الأدب

تحقيق : 'NA'

ترجمة : 'NA'

إقرأ الكتاب
نقاشات حول الكتاب
كتب من نفس الموضوع (712)

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قصة الكتاب :
The Novellino is a collection of fifty short stories divided into five parts, written by Masuccio Salernitano and published posthumously in 1476. The language of the Novellino differs from the typical Tuscan prose for the use of Neapolitan dialectal terms and Latinisms, which perfectly match the atmosphere of the stories. Novellino\'s text, imbued with a strong anticlerical character, appears in the first Index of forbidden books promulgated by the Holy Congregation of the Roman Inquisition. The plots of the five parts are as follows: The first refers to unorthodox or corrupt ecclesiastics, or whose actions are worthy of ridicule: the prelate in the finale is often mocked and punished. The second part deals with jealous husbands with unhappy wives treated badly and often beaten, courted and conquered by a lover with cunning. It also deals with the theme of avarice, which always turns out to be harmful. The third part talks about women who, carried away by passion, betray their husbands. The fourth part is about love, and the endings are mainly of two types: either the couple kills each other because one cannot bear the death of the other, or a lover deceives himself into possessing a married woman. The fifth part is often about love, the woman is often the protagonist and of noble origin and the ending is almost always happy.


كتب من نفس الموضوع 712 كتاباً
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